A Time for Truth… And Courage
This past week put my emotions on a rollercoaster; but, in truth, I don’t think I’ll be able to regain my equilibrium until January 20. Our soon-to-be-deposed ruler still has about two more months in which he’ll be able to wreak havoc; and by all indications, he seems likely to exercise that option.
Failing to accept the election’s outcome and making unsubstantiated claims of fraudulent voting practices undermines the very essence of our nation that truly distinguishes us from others — the peaceful transition of power on the basis of results from ballot boxes. What else can be in store for us? I’m afraid it’s likely to be more of the same.
I’m astounded that the vast majority of Republicans have yet to acknowledge the election results and have failed to congratulate Biden and Harris for their victory. I appreciate that they fear that they’ll alienate the Trump base by contradicting his narrative about the legitimacy of the election, and in doing so, they’ll jeopardize their re-election chances; but that calculus is both crass and dangerous.
Of the 70 million voters who supported Trump, one hopes that their allegiance stems from support for the policies that he championed, whether it was due to his positions on tax cuts, the corona virus, supreme court nominees, or whatever. I believe most of his supporters recognize that he plays fast and loose with the truth, but they simply chalk that up to hyperbole that doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously given his policy orientation. How hard could it be for a Republican to represent that he or she will pursue those policies without the lying, without the name-calling, without the scandals? Too hard, I guess.
I don’t know what’s going to happen in the next several weeks. No one does. But I do know that the Republicans who tacitly endorse Trump’s unfounded claims of voter fraud and shenanigans are playing with fire. Their actions — or lack of actions — can imperil the peaceful transfer of power not only in the present circumstance, but for future elections, as well. The peaceful transfer of power is one norm that Trump shouldn’t be encouraged to break. Republican leaders need to put country first and do the right thing. Speak the truth out loud: Biden/Harris won fair and square.