Hats off to Trump Supporters
It must be hard for those who continue to support Trump. My heart goes out to them. The loyalty they show — despite the perpetual challenges — is remarkable. Their dedication is inspiring. They’re an unbelievable bunch. How do they do it?
Here are some of the challenging reports that just came out in the last few days:
· Covid-19 deaths have surpassed 220,000 and are rising, but we’ve turned the corner.
· Trump appears to have three foreign bank accounts in China, Britain, and Ireland, which had not previously been reported in his public disclosures. What’s the big deal? Just because there may be a conflict of interest in maintaining his business interests while serving as the president of the United States doesn’t mean that Trump won’t put our interest first.
· 545 children who were separated from their parents at the border have not yet been reunited with their parents, with little prospect of reunification any time soon — if ever. They’re better off in the good old USA, rather than being returned to their parents, who are mostly rapists and criminals (although some might be nice people).
· Trump peppers his remarks at campaign rallies with calls to imprison his political foes. It’s only right. Trump knows a crime when he sees one. Just ask the Central Park Five.
· Trump denigrates the nation’s public health service organizations and their professional staff, but only because they’re idiots.
· The Justice Department refuted the allegations that the FBI spied on the Trump Campaign, but Trump knows a coverup when he sees one. Who are you gonna believe? Trump or the guys who spied on him.
· Yet another Trump campaign official, Elliot Broidy, pleaded guilty to felony charges for conspiring to violate foreign lobbying laws. This new guilty plea brings the total to eight for close associates who have been charged with federal law violations: It’s just politics. Everybody cheats. These guys just got caught. Besides, what does this have to do with Trump?
Despite these recent reports, true Trump supporters have held fast to their man. I commend them for their ability to discern the high quality of our president and his able team, even in the face of a constant barrage of criticism put out by the mainstream media. Perhaps, however, his supporters don’t really deserve that much credit, given how practiced they must be in reacting to the ceaseless, unjustified attacks on our president by his critics. Here’s a sampling of the bogus slings and arrows that Trump has endured:
· He was criticized for demanding proof of Obama’s citizenship, when, in fact, he was simply justifiably seeking to preclude the possibility of an ineligible candidate attaining the position of the presidency.
· He’s falsely been accused of sexual assault by 23 women (or is it 24?). He’s so rich and handsome. How could any of those accusations be true?
· He had a fling with a porn star and paid her off. That’s what money is for. (His efforts to protect Melania from embarrassment should be lauded — not criticized.)
· He’s never sought any foreign interference in our elections. In fact, his communications with foreign leaders has been consistently “perfect.” Moreover, he doesn’t get near the credit he deserves for being a staunch fighter of corruption on the international stage.
· He’s fired five inspectors general, whose job it is to be internal watchdogs. What else is a president supposed to do if he loses confidence in these officials? Firing these officials is just part of draining the swap and cleaning up the deep state.
· They say he won’t condemn white supremacists, but he’s only seeking to broaden his condemnation to include looters and anarchists. Give the guy a break.
· He’s totally in the right to wait to see how the election plays out before committing to a peaceful transition.
The fact that Trump supporters saw through all of these brouhahas is amazing. Support didn’t even waver. But it must be particularly challenging to maintain that level of a commitment to Trump when so many former Republicans, including Trump appointees, have jumped ship and endorsed Biden. Those turncoats include (to name a few):
· Michael Steele, former Republican National Committee Chairman
· John Kasich, former Governor of Ohio
· Christine Todd Whitman, former Governor of New Jersey and head of the EPA
· Colin Powell, former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
· Tom Ridge, former Secretary of Homeland Security
· Jim Mattis, former Secretary of Defense
· Michael Hayden, former Director of the NSA and the CIA
· James Comey, former Director of the FBI
· John Bolton, former NSA advisor and Ambassador to the UN
· Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Communications Director
Hey, many of these people had the experience of working closely with Trump, but what can they possibly know about Trump that his supporters don’t? And by the way, we shouldn’t forget several new anti-trump groups formed by registered Republicans –the Lincoln Project, Republican Voters Against Trump, and 43 Alumni for Joe Biden PAC (a group comprised of alumni of the GW Bush presidency). It’s getting lonelier and lonelier.
To those Trump supporters remaining: Your perseverance is to be commended. Trump hasn’t made it easy for you, but you’ve stuck by him. Good for you! Don’t quit now, now that we’re so close to the election. We need a man of character, like Trump, in the Oval Office, leading the free world and making America great, again. Four more years!